View of the Ridlington Church from Church Street

An act of remembrance was held outside the church porch on Remembrance Sunday, conducted by Rev’d Jenni Duffy. Those gathered took part in prayer and observed 2 minutes silence. The names of those from the village who died in the conflict were read out as a commemorative wreath was laid;

Please see the rota at the back of the Parish magazine for December’s pattern of services across the Rutland Water Benefice. St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s, Ridlington remains open for private prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays 10am – 4pm;

You can still access the weekly services on YouTube or Facebook;

Church flowers: as per tradition, there are no flowers during Advent. A huge thank you to those who decorate the church for Christmas, including: Karen Baines; Louise Fox; Anne Harvey; Sue Hatcher; Jane Moubray; Jan Powley; Pat Roome; Liz Simpson and Debra Thatcher;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Suzanne Baines and Ruth Lees for keeping our church clean and well maintained. There is a church DEEP CLEAN on Saturday 5th December from 9am – 12 noon. Please let Anne Harvey know if you are able to help out and she will organise a rota to ensure social distancing etc…