Looking out your window on these dreary winter days and wondering how best to deal with your lawn as Spring is just around the corner? Or better yet create a small lawn feature in your garden?

Well ponder no further, we have been fortunate to find an expert on lawns who would like to share his knowledge on how to improve and maintain a great lawn. Better still how to deal with those niggling problems we all face… moss, thatch, dry patches. How and when to feed, seed and control those weeds. How to refresh, scarify, and aerate.

If you want to find out more then, why not come and join us for what will be a very informative but informal hour. Come charged with your questions, so we can have a lively exchange of the issues we all undoubtedly come up against.

So where is it and when?

Saturday, March 8th 2025 – 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Village Hall, Main Street, Ridlington
Light refreshments will be available
£5.00 pp – payment to be received by March 1st (we will come around to collect)

As spaces are limited, please could you confirm back, as soon as possible, if you would like to attend by emailing – talking.gardens@btinternet.com

We do hope to see you there.
Jackie, Jo, Shelagh

We will be organising a Curry Night on Saturday, October 4th at 7:00 pm  in the Village Hall.

There will be nibbles, Chicken and Vegetable curry, nan bread, papadums, followed by dessert.

Charge will be £15.00 pp. Please bring your own drink along.

If you would like to join us, please book and pay Pat Roome on 01572 821 416 or you can confirm to her by email on pat.roome@btinternet.com



The Christmas Social Evening in the Village Hall was most enjoyable and well attended. A big thanks to all who helped and provided tasty nibbles all of which went well, helped down by some good wine & ales.


Village Hall Events
This year’s Village Hall events will be held on the following dates so save the dates!

Coffee Mornings – 10:30 – 12:00
Friday, May 23rd
Friday, July 18th
Friday, September 26th


Curry Night
Saturday, October 4th – 7:00 pm


Social Evening
Friday, December 19th – 7:00 – 10:30 pm


The Trustees

A new year and time to get the diaries out…

Talking Gardens will be organising the following events and we very much hope you can join us.

Saturday, March 29th  – Wine Tasting
Venue – Village Hall
Time – 5:30- 8:00 pm
Entry fee – £15.00 per person will be required beforehand to secure your place as places are limited and cover for the catering costs.


Saturday, May 31st – Springtime  Garden Safari
Venue – Village Hall and private gardens in Ridlington
Time – 14:00 – 5:30
Entry Fee – £10.00 per person will be required beforehand to secure your place and cover for the catering costs.


Please confirm in writing if you would like to attend any or both of the above by replying by email to talking.gardens@btinternet.com 

All proceeds for both these events will be going to support the Playing Field.

More detailed information concerning the above events will be communicated nearer the time but for now save the date and let us know if you would like to attend.

If you are not on the Talking Gardens email circular and would like to received notifications of the events that we organise, please let us know by sending a message to talking.gardens@btinternet.com

Many thanks,


Jackie, Jo, Shelagh


The NHS wishes to simplify, combine, and improve some existing services in Rutland by 1 April 2026.

There will be a public consultation on proposed improvements. See the back page of the leaflet below for the “drop in” events.

To find out more, there are a number of leaflets and questionnaires in the Village Hall porch for you to take home to read.

Alternatively, if you prefer to view online, you can access more information on www.bit.ly/rutlandsurvey

You can also download this leaflet which will give you further information and contact details you may need NHS






‘Ridlington’s annual, pre-Christmas social evening is this Friday, 13th December at the Village Hall.

The bar is open from 7.30 till 10.30 pm. There will be seasonal snacks available to enjoy.

All welcome.

The Trustees

Our annual Social Night will take place on Friday 13th December 7.30 -10.30pm in the Village Hall.

Keep this dates in your diary – all welcome!

Advance notice

Once again this year we will run the village Christmas card scheme – one card to all your friends and neighbours to be displayed in the church with donations to be shared between the Church, Village Hall and Playing Field.