We continue our annual collection of gently worn bras and brand new pants for this charity that works in Africa and the UK.

Donations to be delivered to Debra Thatcher at 3 Main Street by 28th October.


Richard and Karen Baines would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all who joined us at home to “Play Dough” on Saturday, September 28th.

It was an extremely enjoyable evening which raised £200 for the Playing Field and Church Fund.

Richard demonstrated the making of an unleavened harvest loaf, making bread dough, moulding, baking, showing the difference between various flours, all the while answering questions.

While everyone’s dough creations were rising, and baking we had a supper party, much lifted by liquid refreshment brought by the guests.



Another mixed bag – my favourite is Nevil Shute’s last novel “Trustee from the Toolroom”.  He’s a great storyteller and the novel reflects on the modest life of an engineer/technical journalist in the 1950’s who travels across the world on a shoe string to secure the inheritance of his niece.  Who wouldn’t be captivated by a novel that begins with this quote: “An engineer is a man who can do for five bob what any bloody fool can do for a quid”?

“The Silent Boy” by Andrew Taylor is an historical mystery novel set in the time of the French Revolution – well written and plotted.

The third book, “Consolations – the Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words” by the poet David Whyte had good critical write up but it didn’t work for me.  Will it work for you?

We continue to hold three church services a month – the first, second and fourth Sunday.  September finished with the highly popular Songs of Praise and thanks are due to everyone who nominated a hymn, attended, sang so well and to Martin for playing for us.

Is the date of our Harvest service and so our list of flower arrangers is longer than usual to include those who decorate our windows. This month we thank Nicki Gilbert, Jacky Morrell, Jan Powley, Anne Harvey, Julie Hoult, Pat Roome, Karen Baines, Janet Horwood & Debra Thatcher.

This month are as follows: at the end of Generosity Week our HARVEST FESTIVAL is on 6th October at 6:00pm and will be followed by light refreshments.  As in previous years, we ask for items to be donated to the Food Bank as our monthly collection will be on 9th October.

Will be celebrated by Rev Jo Saunders on 13th October at 09:30 and BIBLE SUNDAY will be the focus of our 09:30 service on 27th October.  Please do join us.


We are delighted to report that we have achieved the silver award from the charity A Rocha, joining a thousand other churches across the UK. Well done and sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed in any way to our success.

New surveys are being introduced this autumn and we will review the one for the gold award and decide whether we are up for the challenge.  Ideas, expressions of interest and pledges of enthusiasm to Debra Thatcher.


Three more for you this month.

This first “Old Evils” written by a well-known author – Alex Walters as part of her DI Annie Delamere series.  Two very different investigations – a person leaves a snow bound pub and is soon found dead and a young boy disappears.  Are the investigations linked?  A good crime thriller.

The second from the not so well-known author  Tom Cox who crowdfunded this novel “Villager”, set on Dartmoor and moving from one narrator to another over the past, present and future.  Took a couple of chapters to get into but enjoyed it.

Thirdly, to mark the change in seasons, Antony Worrall Thomson’s “Essential Low Fat Cookbook” – some good soup recipes and who’s mouth doesn’t water at the prospect of pork with celeriac and apple mash?

Let’s Play Dough and Q&A with Richard Baines, to take place on Saturday 28th September 7.00pm in Ridlington Village Hall.

£15 includes Drinks, light buffet and raffle ticket. All proceeds are in aid of Ridlington Playing Field and Church.

More details to follow… or contact Karen Baines on 07813 377070 or by email on baines1864@hotmail.com

Our Treasure Trail around Uppingham in August was postponed and is now re-scheduled for Friday, 13th September starting in the Market Square at 6:00 pm.

Please let Debra Thatcher know if you are joining us.