First, to mark the 250th anniversary since her birth, “My Dear Cassandra” Jane Austen’s letters with commentary by Penelope Hughes-Hallett and illustrations of contemporary paintings and engravings.  An enchanting read full of flashes of the Austen wit and perception, an absolute must for Austen readers and those interested in social history at the start of the 19th Century.


For a well plotted and written whodunit look no further than the Moonstone Press – “Crime in Kensington” by Christopher St John Sprigg and “The Bells at Old Bailey” by Dorothy Bowers. Both great reads with a sprinkling of clues.

The Church Representation Rules require that every 6 years a complete new electoral roll is prepared in each parish.  Look out for the notice in the church porch and contact Debra Thatcher for more information.


LITTER PICK – 15th March.
Meet at 3 Main Street at 10:30 am.  Please let Debra Thatcher know if you are able to help.  Light lunch provided.


A trip to Peterborough to view the 80 knitted and crocheted panels depicting the D-Day Landings. Car share may be possible. Lunch available in Peterborough.  Please let Debra Thatcher know if you wish to attend.


RSPB BIG GARDEN BIRD WATCH – the results are on display in the Church.


The next collection for the Food Bank will be on Wednesday, 5th February.

Please continue to give generously – UHT milk and juice, washing up liquid, pump hand soap are kindly requested.




Thursday, February 6th meet at the Church porch at 10:00 am; light refreshments will be available afterwards.


Advertising revenue from the Benefice magazine has fallen and there is a meeting in February to discuss the way forward.

It would be very helpful to know how many people read the magazine so, if you are on the Ridlington distribution list and read this, please let me know – or 01572 823910.

Thank you.



All the services will start at 9:30 am

February 2nd – Morning Prayer (Candlemas)
February  9th – Holy Communion – Steve Benoy, Chaplain to the Bishop of Peterborough
February 23rd – Morning Prayer


First, a post-apocalyptic novel “The Day of the Triffids” by John Wyndham. I read this first as a teenager, but I enjoyed it more this time round.

Another re-read, Muriel Spark’s “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” – I could hear Dame Maggie Smith’s voice loud and clear. A great book with complex characters displaying a host of human imperfections.

Talking of hearing voices, I could not help but enjoy the wonderfully warm tribute to F1 commentator Murray Walker in “Incredible” by Maurice Hamilton  and… finally, “A Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole – a cult classic, the story of a modern day Don Quixote, Ignatius J. Reilly, written in the first person as if autobiographical – good fun!


If you have a spare daylight hour in the weekend of January 24-26th why not participate in some citizen science?

The RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey – see –

As well as in your own garden, you can count on the Churchyard and/or Playing Field.