For those who are not on the mailing list but still wish to be kept informed of what “Talking Gardens” are up to, please click on the link below to access our September Newsletter.

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact anyone of the Team.

Talking Gardens – Sep24 newsletter


Our Treasure Trail around Uppingham in August was postponed and is now re-scheduled for Friday, 13th September starting in the Market Square at 6:00 pm.

Please let Debra Thatcher know if you are joining us.

Please click on the link below to access the Agenda for the next RPC meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 11th.

RPC Agenda 11.09.24

During the vacancy while we wait for a new Rector we continue to hold three services a month – schedule in the church porch and at the back of this magazine.  From time to time we will hold special services and extend the warmest of welcomes to you.

Like a good sing?  Nominate your favourite hymn and join us for our Songs of Praise service on Sunday, 22nd September at 4:00 pm followed by tea and cake.  Nomination form in the church porch.

Early notification – Harvest Festival to be held at 6:00 pm on Sunday, 6th October.  Collection for the Food Bank and light refreshments afterwards.


The year moves on apace and the flowers in our church continue to enhance our services and make it bright and welcoming for villagers and visitors. This month we thank Victoria Bullmore, Margie Wall & Georgina Van Smirren.

to all who

  • continue to support the monthly collection for the Food Bank,
  • helped ready the church and churchyard for George and Gilly’s wedding – we wish them every happiness in their married life,
  • set up, baked, served and washed up at the four Sunday afternoon teas in aid of church funds – £972.20 raised and
  • so generously opened their gardens, baked and served teas at the Open Gardens event on Bank Holiday Sunday.


Our team regularly attends community activities and events to promote the work of Citizens Advice Rutland and ensure that anyone around the county who may need our advice or voluntary support services knows about us.

Rural Coffee Connect – join the Rural Community Council team for a free barista coffee, hot or iced, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (drinks served from 11:00 am), and a chat to find out about the range of advice, services, clubs and groups available. In the next few weeks they will be at the following venues:

Ashwell Village Hall, Oakham Road, Ashwell – Wednesday 14, 21 and 28 August

Ridlington Village Hall, Main Street, Ridlington – Wednesday 4, 11 and 18 September

Please find below a list of Ridlington Church Services to be held during September to December 2024. These can also be found on the Church’s homepage.


September 1: 9:30 Lay-led Morning Prayer (DH and AH).
September 8: 9:30 Holy Communion (Rev Jo Saunders).
September 15: No service.
September 22: 16:00 Songs of Praise (KB and MW)
September 29: No service


October 6: 18:00 Harvest Festival.
October 13: 9:30 Holy Communion (Rev Jo Saunders).
October 20: No service.
October 27: 9:30 Lay-led Morning Prayer celebrating Bible Sunday.


November 3: 9:30 Lay-led Morning Prayer.
November 10: 9:30 Holy Communion with Act of Remembrance (Rev Jo Saunders).
November 17: No service.
November 24: 9:30 Lay-led Morning Prayer celebrating Stir up Sunday.


December 1: 16:00 (Short) Calm Candle lit Contemplative service (silence and a few prayers)
December 8: No service
December 15: 9:30 Lay-led Morning Prayer celebrating St Tibba – a Rutland Saint.
December 22: 18:00 Carol Service.
[December 25: 9:30 Holy Communion TBC]
December 29: No service.

We were blessed with dry weather for the event and it was visited by a number of villagers and visitors alike, all of whom thoroughly enjoyed viewing the four gardens  and tea on offer.

We are grateful to every garden owner who welcomed the public into their domain, every sandwich and scone maker and cake baker, washer up and car park attendant.  Thanks are also extended to the Trustees of the Playing Field for permitting the field to be used for parking and the Trustees of the Village Hall for allowing us to host the tea.

Grand total raised :£544.60

Debra Thatcher