Part of Brooke Road in Oakham is to close from Monday 22 July to Friday 11 October 2024, so that work on a nearby housing development can take place safely.

The closure will be put in place between the junctions of Derwent Drive and Cricket Lawns, across the Brooke Road railway crossing. Traffic will be diverted via Welland Way, Balmoral Road, Braunston Road and Oakham High Street, for the duration of the closure.

The works themselves will involve widening the highway to improve traffic flow along the closed section of road, as well as creating a new entrance to the Brooke Road Allotments Development site.

The road will be closed on both sides of the railway line, to comply with Network Rail. Vehicle and pedestrian access for houses within the limits of the closure will be maintained at all times. It will not be possible to cross the Brook Road level crossing by vehicle or on foot.

Please click on the following link for more information. Should you wish to contact Burmor Construction Limited, their details can be found on this link.


We will be holding an evening of Let’s Play Dough” with Questions and Answers with Richard Baines.

Come join us on Saturday, September 28th 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall. Entry fee is £15.00 per person and includes a buffet and raffle.

For tickets, please contact

Karen Baines – 07813 377070
Suzanne Baines – 07465 409477

All proceeds raised will be in aid of the Playing Field and The Church (50:50 or personal choice), so save the date and stay tuned for further updates.


A ‘Big Thank You’ to everyone who contributed to the success of our fund raising Quiz and Supper Night on the evening of  Friday 17th May. Our thanks go to Andy Hoult who excelled in his role of Quiz Master ably assisted by Julie and those who prepared the delicious supper and helped in the housekeeping. There was such a wonderful buzz in the village hall reflecting the fun time had by all. The final fund raising total came to the amazing sum of £744.70p.

We hope to be planning another Quiz Night in December as a pre-Christmas event. We will confirm the proposed date in due course.


Looking to the future: Our mission to create a new children’s play area
A further request to our friends and neighbours who are happy to help us in our mission to create a new children’s play area in the playing field. We would really welcome your input and support. Do let us know if you are able to help especially in regard to the necessary fundraising activities.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

Our email address is: playing field
Or Tel.: 01572 821440

A ‘Big Thank You’ too, to you all who helped in the removal of the membrane from the decommissioned children’s play area on June 6th. Your efforts were very much appreciated!


Ash dieback affected trees
The first stage of work required in the wooded area of the playing field will have been completed on Tuesday 18th June.

Stage One categorises the Priority Tree Work required as identified by our professional arborist following his Arboriculture Tree Management Report.


The Ridlington Playing Field annual report
This is available on the Ridlington Parish Council Website.


A mixed bag, but all enjoyable.  First, an amusing reflection on a busy year of Clarissa Dickson Wright, a true countrywoman, “Rifling Through my Drawers”

Second, Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”, the story of Okonkwo’s great fall, as a young man being compared with his father, a reflection of Igbo culture.

Finally, Tana French’s “The Likeness”, a psychological thriller, well rounded characters, good plot.


Many thanks to everyone who supported the coffee morning on May 24th: a total of £111 was raised for village hall funds.

Coffee Mornings will be held on: 26th July and 27th September

A Social Night will take place on: Friday 13th December

Keep these dates in your diary – all welcome!

To access the Annual Report & Accounts for the Ridlington Playing Field, please click on the links below.

Annual Report – Playing Field Report May 2024 Ruth Lees

Annual Accounts – Playing Field accounts 2024 (1) (5) (3) (8) (3)


Alternatively, these can also be access on the website under the heading “Playing Fields – AGM’s & Accounts”



Referrals are increasing.

The next collection from the church porch will be on Wednesday, 17th July.

Please continue to give generously.


The strim and rake of the churchyard will commence at 2:00 pm on Saturday, 27th July followed by a ploughman’s tea.

If you are able to help please let Debra Thatcher know.