Covid-19 Update

Rutland County Council is putting plans in place to support new government guidance around “shielding” for people who are at significantly higher risk from coronavirus (COVID-19).

The NHS is currently in the process of writing to anyone who is considered to be ‘extremely vulnerable’ because they have a serious underlying health condition.

Shielding is the practice being recommended to protect these extremely vulnerable people from COVID-19. Anyone who receives a letter through the post is strongly advised to stay at home at all times and avoid any face-to-face contact for at least 12 weeks.

Shielding differs from the social distancing guidance that we are all being asked to follow because it advises people with a serious underlying health condition to remain at home, not to leave and to avoid all contact with other people for a considerable period of time. The implications for these extremely vulnerable people are clear; while some will have friends, family or neighbours who may be able to help, there will be others who need to have food, medicines and other supplies provided to them until they can leave home again. We are already putting plans in place with businesses and other local partners that will allow us to provide direct support to anyone who is being shielded and needs our help.

Councillor Oliver Hemsley, Leader of Rutland County Council

For more information about the government’s shielding guidance, including full details of who is considered to be ‘extremely vulnerable’, please see the national GOV.UK website.

Rutland County Council is continuing to work with local NHS and Primary Care services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rutland’s four GP practices have made significant changes to the way they work in order to reduce the infection risk to patients.

If you are worried that you may have COVID-19 symptoms (a high temperature or continuous cough), do not go to your local GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Instead, you should self-isolate and visit the NHS 111 website if you need a fit note for your employer.

No patients should visit their local GP unless they have already spoken to the surgery. If you need a consultation with a GP or other healthcare professional, this will be done by telephone or video after you have arranged an appointment through your GP’s website or over the phone.

Covid-19 Update

With reference to the current situation in relation to Covid-19 and the impact upon our Parish.

The Parish Council will lead a co-ordinated approach to provide a community support system for all Parishioners.

Purpose – To ensure no-one in the village is left unsupported during the Covid 19 epidemic.
Focus – Anyone living / staying in Ridlington parish. Coordination – Scheme coordinated by the parish council but operated by volunteers.

General approach – An active approach in which volunteers call on neighbours either electronically, by telephone or shout over the garden wall if necessary to actively seek ways to give them support.

The volunteer Street Reps to communicate together through a “WhatsApp” group.

By communicating on the WhatsApp group, problems can be resolved by the volunteers working together. If this App was open to all residents who owned a smart phone it may become bogged down by hearsay and triviality that is not needed. The Parish council will receive updates from Rutland County Council on a daily basis. This information can be sent to volunteers for communicating to neighbours.

Suggested areas to seek ‘street reps’;

  • Holygate Road = 14 households
  • West Lane / upper Main St, to no.15 = 10 households Church Lane / middle Main St = 12 households
  • Lower Main St, no.27 to no.41 = 9 households
  • East Lane = 8 households
  • Hannah’s Field = 11 households
  • The Green, Noel Lane, Top Rd = 11 households
  • Outlying lodges (Bancroft, Dalbys, Rowells, Nooks) = 4 households

I am looking for volunteers for each area as described above, more than one volunteer is beneficial in sharing the work load and for discussing resolutions to problems.

If you would like to help your neighbours and are suitably healthy at this time, please send your smart phone number to me, Dave johnson on or 07595955561 my personal number.

I will set up a WhatsApp group and add you to it. If you don’t have a smart phone, send your email address. If you don’t have any digital platform to communicate it will potentially be difficult to share information with you as we will shortly be in isolation and refraining from direct person to person contact. There is of course telephone use, but this could be time consuming, someone ringing round and I don’t want one person to be encumbered.

The format of this initiative will evolve as it is used and problems resolved. Its not perfect, but its a start.
We have a number of volunteers already, which is excellent. We have the ear of two residents who are busy paramedics. We have the local Baines bakery owners who are willing to satisfy orders.
I don’t have to tell you that the situation will worsen, so by starting now we can develop a dynamic and effective system to respond to the epidemic as it evolves.
The current information from Rutland County Council to the Parish Council is that

  • There are no tested, confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Rutland at present. There are numerous cases of residents self –isolating.
  • Rutland County Council have activated their emergency plan and are scaling down non-essential services to concentrate on priority services and the most vulnerable.
  • RCC website is the best place to obtain the most up to date information.
  • The castle and museum are closed and the library will likely follow shortly.
  • RCC will hold weekly conference calls with Parishes and issue daily briefings.
  • A register of volunteer groups within Parishes is being collated

The registering of Voluntary groups will allow resources from a County Council level, if such assistance is needed. I will be in contact with Rutland Council on a daily basis and will pass on relevant information.
Contact me if you are able to help.
Thank you.

Dave Johnson
Chairman Ridlington Parish Council.


For the latest information from the NHS

Subscription Renewal 2020

Following the successful introduction of Rutland’s green waste service in 2018, it will soon be time for residents to renew their subscriptions if they would like to continue with green waste/green bin collections. For current green waste service users, subscriptions are due to end on 31 March 2020.

The annual fee for green waste collections remains unchanged for a third year, which means a charge of £35 per green bin is payable for households that wish to continue with green waste collections from 1 April 2020.

Subscriptions can be renewed from 3 February 2020 onwards and letters are being issued to all green waste service users at the end of January to advise them of their options.

The quickest and easiest way to subscribe is via Direct Debit. One off payments can also be made online by visiting: or over the phone by calling: 01572 758 488.

A discount is available if someone living in a property is in receipt of local Council Tax support.

Following the subscription period, we will be issuing new stickers to be displayed on green bins. Subscriptions must be completed by 28 February 2020 in order for stickers to be sent and guaranteed to arrive in time for 1 April 2020.

Green bins which do not display the new 2020 sticker will not be collected after 31 March 2019.

Further information about the green waste service, including answers to frequently asked questions and full terms and conditions, can be viewed online at:

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please contact our Green Waste Collections Officer, Nick Mortley:

Kit Silcock | Governance Officer
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham,
Rutland LE15 6HP

This is an important advice to all members of the Public.

The Trustees of the Playing Fields would like to advise that as a result of our recent health and safety assessment of the Ridlington Playing Fields conducted by the Trustees, we have taken the decision to close the ‘Children’s Play Area’ until further notice.

This is because some of the timber framing is now in very poor condition and represents a  danger to safety. Also the junior swings unfortunately need to be dismantled as they also are no longer fit for purpose.

Decisions need to be taken on the way forward for this area and it is proposed this matter will be a key part of our deliberations at our next Trustee meeting in January 2020, after which we will update you on future plans and proposed projects.

In the meantime, given the danger to safety that all this equipment currently presents, you will see that we have temporarily fenced off the entire play area so that access is prevented for the immediate future.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you have any questions regarding this closure.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ruth Lees
Chairman of the Trustees
Tel.: 01572 821440

There have been some successful outcomes from some of the events held in the village which we would like to share.

Well done to all the volunteers who helped with Phase 1 of the wild garden on the north side of the church. We give especial thanks to Debra Thatcher and Jacky Morrell for their expertise and to everyone else for their wiling manpower.  Phase 2 will take place at the end of November, including the planting of yellow rattle. If you would like to become involved in this project, please contact Debra, Jacky or Anne Harvey.

Thank you to everyone who donated to this new and worthy cause and to Debra Thatcher for organising and hosting (especially the delicious cakes!) You donated over 88 ‘smalls’ in the event, which Debra will now forward to the Smalls for All Charity. This is going to be an annual event, to be held each OCTOBER – so please hang on to those ‘unwanted undies.’

An enjoyable evening saw the misnamed ‘Clueless’ team from the village winning. Lovely food and £323 raised for the hall funds. Big thanks to those who helped in every way and to those who took part.

Our Running Club is going from strength to strength and some completed the Rutland Water 10k Nightrun through the wind and wet with some impressive times! Martin Wall completed his first Parkrun last month and his amazing result was reported on their Facebook page. Our next ‘event’ is the Rutland Water 5k Parkrun event on New Year’s Day 2020. New members always welcomed 😊 – just come to the Playing Field on Saturday mornings at 9am.


Ridlington Village sign

The Parish Council is a tier of local government and has the ability to raise a “precept” on the council tax bills produced by the local billing authority, in our case, Rutland County Council.

The precept is the only source of tax revenue available to a Parish Council and is levied on local households to pay the Parish Council for:

  • The funding of services, for example, lighting and grass cutting;
  • Administrative costs including office expenses and the clerk’s salary, etc.; and
  • Reserves to cover unforeseen costs and future one-off expenses.
The setting of the precept will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting to be held on Wednesday, 13th November at 7:30.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.

There will be a temporary road closure on sections of Holygate Road, Top Road, East Lane and Main Street in Ridlington.

It is anticipated the works will take 1 day. The closure shall come into force when the appropriate signs and diversion route are erected on site.

The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 7th November 2019 to 7th November 2019

The alternative route during the closure will be via the route shown on the attached plan (also available to view at the Council Office) and as shown on

The alternative route during the closure will be via the following streets: Holygate Road, Top Road, East Lane and Main Street with a reciprocal route.

Reasonable facilities will be provided to allow access to adjacent premises while the work is being carried out.

The closure is to enable BTS Group to undertake tree cutting works on behalf of Western Power

For any queries regarding the above, please contact Mr B Rush, Network Co-Ordinator, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP or telephone 01572 722577.

See attached for the official notice…

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

We want to help to make sure that no one in our local community has to go hungry, and we need your help to make this happen.

Your gift of food can make a real difference. Your food donations are absolutely vital to give everyone referred to the Rutland Foodbank a balanced and nutritious three day supply of food.

If you are happy to drop off food donations, please see “Place in the box” at the back of the church. THANK YOU!

We were thanked for our latest delivery to the Foodbank in Oakham and advised that the following items are requested: 

  • UHT milk
  • Longlife orange juice
  • Tinned tuna and
  • Microwaveable sponge puddings

For further information, please see: