Due to the Covid – 19 requirements Village Hall events are currently suspended. The Hall can be used but it becomes very onerous both on the Committee and users for enjoyable events such as coffee mornings or Quiz’s to take place.
The hall is checked weekly and kept clean, as are the gardens kindly looked after by Mike Grey.
The 2019 annual report and accounts should have been presented at the Parish Meeting in May but Rutland CC decided because of Corvid to delay all annual parish meetings to next year. The quarterly Parish Council meetings continue but on Zoom which any member of the public can log into.
With regard to our finance’s the Village Hall along with businesses, sports clubs and various other qualifying organisations was awarded a grant of £10,000 as part of the Government’s aid packages. This is to compensate for lack of hire fees and fundraising income, and to pay outgoings such as insurance, utility bills and other unavoidable things such as general maintenance.
Dave Roome