

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board
5-Year Joint Forward Plan


Organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are working on a five-year plan for health and care services. The NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB), which includes our NHS Trusts (University Hospitals of Leicester and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust), is responsible for the development and delivery of the Plan over the next 5 years – 2023/24 to 2027/28.

With the support of a range of stakeholders, we have drafted a 5-Year Joint Forward Plan. We have used insights and experiences of patients, carers, staff, clinicians, service users, voluntary, community and social enterprises and the public received over the last few years, to provide us with 5-Year Joint Forward Plan a good understanding of what matters most to local people.  This information has been used to shape and influence our plan, to ensure that we improve the health and wellbeing of our local people.

We have also produced a summary slide presentation outlining the key aspects of the plan that will practically transform the delivery of NHS care to improve performance and outcomes, reduce inequity in health and healthcare, and achieve financial sustainability.

Your views

We would now like to engage on the draft 5-Year Joint Forward Plan as part of our commitment to working with people and communities.

  • Visit our website where you will find the draft 5 Year Joint Forward Plan and the link to a short survey.
  • Email your comments to llricb-llr.strategyandplanningteam@nhs.net
  • Write to the ICB at Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, Strategy and Planning Team, Room G30, Pen Lloyd Building, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8TB.

The engagement closes on Wednesday 7 June 2023.  All the feedback will be brought together into a Report of Findings, which we will publish and use to influence the next version of the 5-Year Joint Forward Plan.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.


Yours sincerely

Andy Williams                                    David Sissling,
Chief Executive                                   Chair
LLR Leicester Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board