

View of the Ridlington Church from Church Street


Thank you to Ridlington residents who already support the church throughout the year. This generosity is hugely appreciated, enabling the church to be a living community asset – not just for Sunday services and major gatherings, festivals and celebrations, but also a hub for the Foodbank, Choir, Community Orchard and Wildflower Garden…

However, as a result of Covid 19 and the inability of the church to hold services, gatherings and fund-raising events, we are now struggling to pay routine bills and meet other financial obligations.

Recently, you will have received a leaflet titled ‘Coffee Break’ from all the members of the PCC. If you feel you can help in this way i.e. dedicating the cost of your ‘coffee break’ to aid church funds – or even consider making a one-off payment – we would be immensely grateful.

Thank you for your consideration.

Louise Fox; Anne and David Harvey; Bart Hellyer; Andy Hoult; Maggie Mortell; Richard Thatcher; Margie Wall.