Following the last update in July 2023, we would like to remind you that a defibrillator is a life-saving machine that gives the heart an electric shock in some cases of cardiac arrest. This is called defibrillation and can save lives. For every minute that passes without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by 14%.

So you can see why it is so important to maintain the defibrillator in a village such as ours and why donations from residents are vital, in addition to the annual contribution from the Parish Council.

Since July 2023, a new set of electrode pads has been purchased and installed in the old telephone box on Main Street , Ridlington – they need to be renewed every two years. Further donations are still required to keep our reserve fund at a level sufficient to cover both anticipated and unexpected costs.

Without an adequate reserve fund, there is always the risk that the whole scheme will have to be abandoned, leaving the village without essential cover for local residents needing emergency assistance.

The dedicated bank account with Lloyds for donations is in an account name of
Ridlington Defibrillator
Sort Code – 30-95-47
Account number: 15679168

We are proposing to have another free session at the Village Hall from Martin Fagan, who is the National Secretary of Community Heartbeat. He will explain the system and demonstrate the correct method of using the defibrillator and applying CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation).

This session has always proved to be very helpful as a refresher for those who have already attended a session and as an introduction for those who have never attended a session.

Before arranging a date with Martin, we need to have an idea of the numbers who would like to attend. If you are interested, please contact one of us as soon as possible.

Peter Richards at
Mike Horwood at

Thank you.

Three books I enjoyed and would recommend.

Gill Paul’s “The Affair”.  Set in 1961 in Italy during the filming of “Cleopatra”.  An excellent plot with well drawn characters, a story of love and betrayal with the glamour of Taylor and Burton.

Leigh Russell’s “Rachel’s Story” – a dystopian future following world war, pandemic and food shortages.  Makes us contemplate our own world and demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit.

Finally, a Lindsay Gordon mystery by V.L. McDermid “Booked for Murder” – set in London’s publishing world an award winning author is executed in the same manner as her latest (unpublished) novel…



Dear All,

We are pleased to confirm the date for the forthcoming “Ridlington Talking Gardens Event” – Saturday, April 27th at 7:00 pm.

Please click on the link below for further information on the “Talking Gardens” Event.

Talking Gardens 2 comm final

If you would like to attend, please let us know by emailing Jackie Ike on by March 26th.

Many thanks,
Jo, Shelagh, Jackie,


This month’s walk will take place on  Saturday, 16th March.

If you would like to join, we will be meeting in the church porch at 10:30. Light refreshments to follow.

Please let Debra know if you can attend.

Thank you.


This year’s Annual village litter pick will be held on Saturday, 9th March at 10:30.

Please let Debra know if you are able to help and would like a jacket potato lunch.


The minutes of the recent Parish Council meeting are now available to view online.

Please click the following link to access them.

Draft RPC Minutes 21.02.24


Not sure what to do with the Leap Year day – 29th February?

Why not join us for a short walk followed by light refreshments.  Meet in the church porch at 10:00.



Please find below the forthcoming dates for the Coffee Mornings for this year.

If anyone would like to help with making cakes or would like to help out with serving these delicious creations, please contact Pat Roome on Telephone – 01572 821 416.

Friday – 24th May – 10:30 – 12:00
Friday – 26th July – 10:30 – 12:00
Friday – 27th September – 10:30 – 12:00


This year’s Social Evening in December will be held on Friday, December 13th from 7:00 – 11:00 pm


So save the dates, we look forward to seeing you.

The Trustees