The coronavirus outbreak means that there will be no street party in Ridlington, as was being planned.

However, we can still be sure to mark the occasion in our community, whilst in lockdown, and make sure that we remain both socially distanced and safe.

There will be a ringing of the church bells at 11am to signal the 2 minutes silence.

Please read the flier below, which outlines events to partake in throughout the day, both nationally, locally and in our own homes and gardens.

Keep safe.
Anne Harvey

Hi Everyone,

I have many passions in life, as well as life itself of course;  and one of those passions is Sourdough.   There has never been a period where so much time can be given to the things you enjoy doing and I embrace that opportunity in spite of the terrible challenges we find ourselves facing.

I wanted to share with you the many benefits of Sourdough and the gut-friendly advantages it renders to our well-being and overall health.

Sourdough is a culture of yeasts and beneficial bacteria that occur naturally in bread flour and dough. The yeasts are more varied and less concentrated than baker’s yeast, so they raise the dough more slowly. The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) also require many hours of fermentation to work their wonders.

Real sourdough is very simple, as befits a method that’s thousands of years old. You take some starter, refresh it with several times its own weight of fresh flour and water and let this ferment for some hours until the yeast population has grown. You use most of this dough to make bread by adding more flour, water and salt, and keep a little bit back as your starter for the next batch of bread.

(There is no need to fuss over and ‘feed’ your starter regularly: we’re talking fermentation here, not pet-care.!  Established starters will keep undisturbed in the fridge for days, weeks or months between bakes.)

Time is crucial. When the sourdough is allowed to ferment slowly over several hours, it is able to transform the main ingredient – flour – in ways that together justify sourdough bread’s claim to be the best.

Here’s a summary of the many benefits of sourdough Bread:

    • Sourdough LAB (lactic acid bacteria) can modify the bits of gliadin and glutenin protein in wheat flour that are toxic to people with coeliac disease (CD) and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. This doesn’t mean CD sufferers can eat all (or even any) sourdough bread. It does however mean that there is a time-honoured method for making wheat flour more digestible and that we urgently need to know which types of bread on sale in the shops deploy this to real effect.
    • LAB (including those commonly found in sourdough bread) produce beneficial compounds: antioxidants, the cancer-preventive peptide lunasin,  and anti-allergenic substances, some of which may help in the treatment of auto-immune diseases. Interestingly, these by-products seem able to survive heating, suggesting that baked sourdough bread may have ‘probiotic’ potential by stimulating immune responses in the gut.
    • Bread, especially if made with unrefined flour, is a significant source of dietary minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. But a slice of fast-made wholemeal may be nutritious only in theory if its contents pass straight through the body without being absorbed. The main culprit here is phytic acid, present in the bran layers of cereals, which ‘locks up’ the important minerals. Several hours of fermentation with sourdough is sufficient to neutralise phytic acid and make the minerals more bioavailable.
    • Problematic protein fragments are not the only thing in bread that we might want to reduce to a minimum.  Acrylamide, a suspected carcinogen, can be found in bread crusts. Long fermentation, typical of sourdough systems, can reduce levels of the amino-acid asparagine that is a precursor of acrylamide formation.
    • Bread is often avoided by those affected by weight-gain and metabolic syndrome – rightly, perhaps, in the case of industrial white loaves with a high glycaemic index (GI). But sourdough LAB produce organic acids that, under the heat of baking, cause interactions that reduce starch availability. The lowest GI breads are whole-grain sourdoughs.

(Note: The bullet points are extracts taken from studies done over fifteen years and written by Andrew Whitley, a well-known and much respected expert in the field of baking bread.)

That’s a pretty compelling list of benefits even if we ignore the fact that bread-related metabolic complaints have proliferated just as the time taken to ferment most commercial bread has reduced. It’s this interplay of time and commercial advantage that should make us ask searching questions of some of the ‘sourdough’ breads now on offer.

Signs that your sourdough is real:

  • if the bakery keeps its own sourdough starter (if it doesn’t, it must be using dried sourdough powder)
  • the bread is made from scratch on the premises (i.e. is not ‘half-baked’somewhere else and then re-heated)
  • the baker knows what sourdough is and is happy to discuss the process and the time it takes
  • the bread has no added baker’s yeast – or any additives, though this is hard to establish since the most problematic enzyme additives are classed as ‘processing aids’ and don’t have to be declared on the label
  • it tastes good and is easy on the digestion

Since there is no legal definition of sourdough, despite the Real Bread Campaign’s call for one, it is quite possible to give this name to a bread made with a dried sourdough powder or ‘pre-mix’ and raised quickly with baker’s yeast.

Such bread may be shaped and presented in a winsome ‘boule’.  It may even have a hint of flavour.  But it’s unlikely to deliver on any of the benefits listed above unless lactic acid bacteria have fermented the dough for several hours. It’s even possible that ‘sourdough’ is being used as an opportunistic descriptor of ordinary bread in the hope of selling more, rather as the label ‘organic’ would be used by unscrupulous greengrocers in the days before that trade was properly regulated.

Could you please place orders for bread by the end of the day on Monday for delivery Wednesday with Fruit/Veg boxes. Please call or email – 07765 873253 – 

Many thanks

Crisis helpline can help if you’re impacted by COVID-19
We’ve now received some 200 calls to our COVID-19 crisis helpline. Get in touch if you need help and have no one to support you.


Update on Household Waste and recycling centres
Under new government guidance, we’re looking to reopen at least one of our Household Waste and Recycling Centres before the end of May.


Bulky waste collections resume
We’ve resumed our bulky waste collection service and will begin collections again from Monday 4 May.


Council encourages ‘COVID courtesy’ when exercising
We’re encouraging people to be considerate of one another and social distance when leaving home to exercise.


Celebrate VE Day 75 in Rutland
The 75th anniversary of VE Day is just a week away. See how you can get involved to celebrate and commemorate this historic event.


Where can I still shop?
You can find information about which essential shops and businesses are still open across Rutland on our website.

Coronavirus – Current Situation
As of 26th April 669,850 tests have been completed in the UK with 152,840 positive. As of 25th April there have been 20,732 hospitalised deaths in the UK.

In Rutland 19 people have tested positive.

As of 27th April 2020 (latest figures available) there were 1,483 lab confirmed cases in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) and 217 people who tested positive with coronavirus have sadly died in Leicestershire’s hospitals (University Hospitals Leicester and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust) as of 29th April.

Update on ’Operation Shield’  (shielding and support for vulnerable people.)
172 calls through Crisis Helpline as of 27th April covering medication, isolation and food. Support continues to vulnerable residents.

(Crisis helpline 01572 729 603 – Mondays to Fridays 9am to 8pm).


Foodbank Community Collection
Successful trial completed for Community Collection Scheme – now ready to roll out across the county. Further local information to follow.


Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
This subject is being taken very seriously. There is concern regarding the decrease in referrals and proactive action is being taken. We continue to work with known vulnerable residents in isolation. Help is needed from the community to identify potential risk situations not known before.

Any concerns regarding a vulnerable adult contact the Adult Prevention and Safeguarding Team on 01572 758341.


Support for Domestic Abuse
RCC is committed to undertaking and campaigning to create awareness to include:

  • ‘Our Door is Open’ – Safeguarding Children
  • ‘Home Office Domestic Abuse Campaign’
  • ‘United Against Violence and Abuse’ (UAVA), our local domestic abuse support provider. Their contact number is 0808 80 200 28 (open Monday to Saturday) or (National Domestic Abuse helpline 0800 2000 247 freephone 24 hours)
  • ‘Silent Solution’ telephone number (if the caller calls 999 and is unable to speak when prompted and then presses 55 the Operator will then transfer the call to the police as an emergency)
  • ‘Childline’ –  Contact Number (0800 1111)

RCC welcomes followers via social media and asks for these campaign messages to be shared.


The NHS is open
NHS is campaigning to advise that it is open and safe for patients needing treatment for non- coronavirus conditions.

GP Surgeries have changed their working practices. Patients should phone their GP practice or check their website. Patients must not attend their GP practice without an appointment.

Urgent Care Services/ Minor Injury Unit to be contacted via GP Practice or via NHS 111 rather than walk- in.

Order prescriptions online or through our village contact (Debra Thatcher) NHS help on line at
Download the NHS App to smartphone or tablet.

Use the NHS 111 online service for advice on what to do if you have coronavirus symptoms. Only call NHS111 if advised to do so by the online service OR if you do not have access to the online service.









Here below please find information on the latest church news.

  • Details about church services can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. You can download the order of service and readings from there too;
  • Join the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group and the Sunday service Watch party, or see the videos that make up the Watch party on Facebook, or see the service on The Rutland Water Benefice YouTube channel;

To join the distribution list for weekly readings and other information from church, please email

The magazine will be sent directly to all on this list. And please get in touch if you would like to access services etc…

Let’s pray that God will support and bless us, our families and our communities as we try to enjoy what we can in this fast-changing situation.

Pippa 01780 721286

John 01780 460735

Jenni 07507 442539

Many Ridlington residents are spending time in their gardens during lockdown and making the most of the opportunity to get them in tip top condition for an Open Gardens to be held in aid of Dove Cottage next year. Dove Cottage will be able to provide volunteers to provide tea and cake.  This event will be a follow on from us hosting their Carol Service this Christmas

Here are some virtual events that have already taken place and which will continue during the lockdown.

Birthday Celebration

Jane Moubray celebrated her birthday during lockdown in early April. She was joined by a group of friends in the village for a ‘virtual’ celebration of fish and chips from The Blue Ball in Braunston and everyone raised their glasses for a celebratory toast at 6.30pm.

The Choir

The Ridlington Singers have been joining in with Gareth Malone and the Great British Home Chorus. They have also held a ‘virtual’ choir practice in preparation to sing Happy Birthday to Captain Tom on 30th April to celebrate his 100th birthday and his amazing achievements in raising nearly 30 million pounds for the NHS.

Parish Council has reinstated their AGM

Due to the current Coronavirus situation it has been decided to reinstate the RPC AGM using modern technology! This time, the Council will meet online using the ZOOM App on Wednesday 13th May 2020 at 7.30pm.

Members of the public will be able to access the meeting through the App or by telephoning into the gathering for an aural connection. Connection details and timing will follow in due course. The agenda for the meeting will be made available as per usual on the website nearer the time.

PCC – The Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council held its first ‘virtual’ meeting in April, which was a great success – although members missed the hospitality, usually provided by Bart Hellyer! The PCC will continue to meet in this manner throughout lockdown.


During Covid-19 the collection box can be found in the church porch and will be regularly taken to the Food Bank in Oakham, so please, please keep your donations coming.

Items needed at the moment include: coffee; dried potato; jam; small bags of sugar; tinned potatoes; small sponge puddings; UHT milk; tins of custard; shaving gel; washing up liquid; non-bio washing capsules; toilet roll.

Alternatively, you can make a donation to The Trussell Trust.

More information can be found at

If you think you are in need of some help, or know someone who does, please call the Citizens Advice Bureau on 01572 723494

Thank you everyone and stay safe.