Ridlington Parish Council
Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council meeting
Wednesday 18th November 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom
All welcome
1. Welcome
2. Apologies and approval of absences
3. To receive declarations of member’s interests and consider dispensations
4. Public participation
5. To approve the minutes of last meeting held on 16th September 2020
6. Matters Arising from the last meeting held on 16th September 2020 not listed separately in this agenda.
7. Clerk’s report – for information only
8. Correspondence
9. Future development of the Parish Council website
10. Village traffic survey
11. Grass verges – maintenance and cutting
12. To adopt revised grant application policy
13. To consider grant application from Ridlington Church Parochial Council
14. Painting of former telephone box
15. Finance:
a. To approve current financial summary
b. To authorise accounts for payment since last meeting:
Clerk’s salary November £201.48
Ionos £19.32 website domain renewal
D Mitcheson £150 website maintenance contract
c. To approve payments:
d. Payments received: CIL £257.87 planning application 2019/1356/FUL
e. To approve precept request 2021/22
16. Planning
a. Planning decisions received since last meeting
b. To consider planning application 2020/1073/CAT The Elms, 23 Main Street. T1: Norway Maple in front garden facing Main Street. Lift crown to 3m level. Reduce crown top by 3m and re-shape. T2: Common Ash: remove 2 off pollard stems (one to each side) and reduce top of crown by 5m.
c. To consider planning application 2020/1189/PTA 1 Church Lane. Tree species – Sycamore, T1 on sketch plan. Remove left branch, photograph DH8
17. To agree meeting dates for 2021
Helen Duckering
Parish Clerk
11th November 2020
This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to join the log in details are below:
Topic: Ridlington Parish Council Meeting
Time: Nov 18, 2020 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 3555 3985
Passcode: 334303
Alternatively, the meeting can be accessed by telephone on one of the following numbers:
0203 481 5240
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874
Members of the public will be invited to speak during item 4 of the agenda only and will then be observers.