

Ridlington Village sign

In June 2020 retrospective planning permission was granted by Rutland County Council for two businesses to operate from the barns situated within the Park Farm site.

As part of the planning process Ridlington Parish Council raised a concern re potential increase in traffic along Holygate road. As you will be aware, Holygate Road is a single lane carriageway with no footpath and unsuitable for increased business traffic including HGV’s.

It is the intention of the Ridlington Parish Council to submit a letter to Rutland County Council regarding concerns over the increased usage by commercial vehicles along this road.

Rutland County Council stated that there were no incidents recorded on the Police “crash” record. However, we are aware of three separate collisions between delivery vans within the last few years.

In the past a Christmas Fayre at Park Farm was curtailed by the Council as the access road was deemed to be unsuitable for visitors.

Our particular concerns are:

1. The narrowness of the blind double bend situated at the top of Church Lane. Pedestrians have to walk on the road as there are no footpaths for protection;

2. Damage to the roadside ecology as vehicles are eroding grass verges.

3. The possibility of further planning applications being approved in relation to business use at the barns.

Ridlington Parish Council are preparing a report for the highways and planning departments at Rutland County Council, the County Safety Officer and Councillor Lucy Stevenson whose portfolio includes Highways within Rutland.

Any comments you may have on this issue would be appreciated and maybe added to our report.

Please respond to clerk@ridlingtonparishcouncil.org

Thank you.

Dave Johnson
Ridlington Parish Council.