
Parish and Town Council briefing

Further to today’s Parish and Town Council briefing call, please find below the requested information.

1. Information on bus changes: https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-services/health-and-family/health-and-nhs/health-and-support-services/coronavirus-covid-19/council-building-closures-and-opening-hours/

2. Guidance regarding takeaways: Takeaway and delivery facilities should remain open and operational. This means people can continue to enter premises to access takeaway services, including delivery drivers. Businesses are encouraged to take orders online or by telephone, and businesses should not provide seating areas, indoors and outdoors, for customers to consume food and drink on. Ordering in advance is strongly encouraged to avoid waiting in, as per Public Health England guidelines. Planning regulation has been changed to enable restaurants, cafés and pubs which do not currently offer delivery and hot food takeaway to do so. People must not consume food or drinks on site at restaurants, cafés or pubs whilst waiting for takeaway food. Those venues offering takeaway or delivery services must not include alcoholic beverages in this list if their license does not already permit. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-to-grant-permission-for-pubs-and-restaurants-to-operate-as-takeaways-as-part-of-coronavirus-response and information on businesses still operating during this period: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19 and https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/further-businesses-and-premises-to-close

3. Information on the deferral of Council Tax Payments: https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-services/health-and-family/health-and-nhs/health-and-support-services/coronavirus-covid-19/support-for-families/

4. To provide information on the parish and town medicine collection activities in your Parish and Town’s please email BSChildrens@rutland.gov.uk  further information and clarification about this will also be provided in tonight’s Parish and Town Council Briefing.


Holly Bremner | Head of Communications