Rutland’s Green Waste Services – Subscription Renewal 2020
Subscription Renewal 2020
Following the successful introduction of Rutland’s green waste service in 2018, it will soon be time for residents to renew their subscriptions if they would like to continue with green waste/green bin collections. For current green waste service users, subscriptions are due to end on 31 March 2020.
The annual fee for green waste collections remains unchanged for a third year, which means a charge of £35 per green bin is payable for households that wish to continue with green waste collections from 1 April 2020.
Subscriptions can be renewed from 3 February 2020 onwards and letters are being issued to all green waste service users at the end of January to advise them of their options.
The quickest and easiest way to subscribe is via Direct Debit. One off payments can also be made online by visiting: or over the phone by calling: 01572 758 488.
A discount is available if someone living in a property is in receipt of local Council Tax support.
Following the subscription period, we will be issuing new stickers to be displayed on green bins. Subscriptions must be completed by 28 February 2020 in order for stickers to be sent and guaranteed to arrive in time for 1 April 2020.
Green bins which do not display the new 2020 sticker will not be collected after 31 March 2019.
Further information about the green waste service, including answers to frequently asked questions and full terms and conditions, can be viewed online at:
I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please contact our Green Waste Collections Officer, Nick Mortley:
Kit Silcock | Governance Officer
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham,
Rutland LE15 6HP