“Sangria at the Bus Stop” led to a few villagers enthusiastically showing up on Monday morning July 8th armed with steam cleaners and various dubious tools to tackle a Big Clean Up of the Bus shelter and The Village Green.
Work began promptly at 10:00 steam cleaning the shelter and benches, trimming the grass around the edges and curbs of the street, repairing and treating the wood, cleaning the signs and giving a sad old sign a newly painted refresh. But the biggest job was bringing back the footpath to a cleaner wider shape yet keeping it “au naturel”. So a BIG THANK YOU to all who came out to HELP OUT.
Instead of Sangria, the team were rewarded with delicious cake copiously washed down with coffee and tea; even that elusive sun came out in the end. There is still more work to be done and there are more plans afoot, so stay tuned or feel free to contact one of the “Talking Gardens” team.