We are approaching the first Saturday of the Month again, it is time for our next pop-up shop.  We will have fresh venison, diced, minced, fillets, haunch joints and steaks, not to mention our High Welfare, Low Miles, Home Bred and Produced Beef and Lamb from the freezer.

There will be a limited amount of Castle Chase Hand Made and Aga Baked White Sourdough, Lasagna made with our lovely tender tasty, minced beef, and hopefully, time permitting some home baked cakes as well.

Do hope you have time to pop in and browse our selection of meat and home baked goodies.

If you are unable to come on Saturday but would like to buy some of our meat or produce do contact me on the number below and I can be here for you to come and browse.  The shop is also open by appointment.

Kind Regards
Sue Scott
01572 823345     07803 000465


I realise that we’ve only just about finished Harvest and still have a couple of months to go before we celebrate Christmas but I hope you understand that at the Rutland Foodbank we would like your Christmas donations to reach us by late November/early December so we have time to distribute them in good time.

I’m pleased to attach this year’s Reverse Advent Calendar. This includes suggestions for what you might donate in the period leading up to Christmas. Please note we are not expecting anyone to donate the full calendar, rather that you team up with your family & friends or a local group to collect between you.

As the nights get darker and the weather cooler we know that there will be more households having to make difficult choices to eat or heat so we are expecting to be busy. Our wonderful volunteers (as always) are ready to respond and help those who are struggling across Rutland. Due to the wonderful support across the county we are still able to pack and deliver a 7-day emergency food & toiletries parcel.

In the coming weeks we’ll be adding seasonal foods and treats to the our emergency food parcels to bring a little joy to our clients.

Thank you for your ongoing support, together we create a strong and supportive community network, truly Multum in Parvo (Much in Little)

As always, if you have any comments or questions please do get in touch.

Kind regards,
Ali Wainwright
Chair of Trustees, Rutland Foodbank
36 Melton Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AY (next door to Domino’s Pizza)
Tel 07582 783363

We are holding a coffee, tea and cakes afternoon in support of the Royal British Legion’s 2024 Poppy Appeal. Do come and join us, we look forward to welcoming you all.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2024
Nov 5th 2024 from 14:00 – 16:30 hrs


November 11th at 11:00 o’clock is our national day of Remembrance and Reflection for those who fought so bravely to safeguard our democratic values and freedom.

It is for this reason that it is so important not to forget the contribution of these young men and women who have served and sacrificed their lives in World Wars and who continue to do so in ongoing conflicts throughout the world in these unsettled times.

In order to commemorate and to continue to support, do come and join us on Tuesday, November 5th from 14:00 – 16:30 hrs at Ridlington Village Hall, for coffee, teas and delicious homemade cakes.

As with all events, places are limited, therefore if you can, please could you confirm your interest and attendance beforehand to anyone of us, so that we can ensure that there will be enough goodies to go round. If you are unable to attend but would still like to support, please let Shelagh know.

All donations and pledges will go towards supporting the invaluable work of the Royal British Legion. Really hoping you, your friends and family, can make it and looking forward to seeing and hearing from you….

Thank you

Jackie, Jo, Shelagh (07592 590541)
email  – talking.gardens@btinternet.com



Following the fun Treasure Trail evening in Uppingham in September we are returning to morning walks with our four legged companions – meet at the church porch on Saturday, 26th October at 10:00.

Please let Debra Thatcher know if you will be attending.


We continue our annual collection of gently worn bras and brand new pants for this charity that works in Africa and the UK.

Donations to be delivered to Debra Thatcher at 3 Main Street by 28th October.


Richard and Karen Baines would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all who joined us at home to “Play Dough” on Saturday, September 28th.

It was an extremely enjoyable evening which raised £200 for the Playing Field and Church Fund.

Richard demonstrated the making of an unleavened harvest loaf, making bread dough, moulding, baking, showing the difference between various flours, all the while answering questions.

While everyone’s dough creations were rising, and baking we had a supper party, much lifted by liquid refreshment brought by the guests.



Another mixed bag – my favourite is Nevil Shute’s last novel “Trustee from the Toolroom”.  He’s a great storyteller and the novel reflects on the modest life of an engineer/technical journalist in the 1950’s who travels across the world on a shoe string to secure the inheritance of his niece.  Who wouldn’t be captivated by a novel that begins with this quote: “An engineer is a man who can do for five bob what any bloody fool can do for a quid”?

“The Silent Boy” by Andrew Taylor is an historical mystery novel set in the time of the French Revolution – well written and plotted.

The third book, “Consolations – the Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words” by the poet David Whyte had good critical write up but it didn’t work for me.  Will it work for you?