Hello Everyone,
A quick update for you concerning the current Covid-19 lockdown.
I have been in touch with the Rutland County Council Covid-19 section updating their website with details of our Village contacts.
The County is not running the prescription collection scheme at this time. Our own Village Street Reps scheme for neighbourhood help in Ridlington is currently low key.
The scheme is still available, but only for those that find themselves with no other options such as friends, family or delivery slots. We will intensify our efforts if the lock down measures increase. The supply of food and essential items are more widely available and we are in a much better position than in March for such things.
For your information we currently have a positive case within the Village.
If anyone has received a recent letter from the NHS as they are deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable, then please do not hesitate in getting in touch if you need help.
As always, please respect the measures and please use the Street Reps scheme if you find you have no other option, we will do everything we can to help you.
Thank you,
Dave Johnson.