Forthcoming events in the Village Hall


·      Coffee Mornings – 10.30am to 12.00noon, Friday 1st December

·      Team Quiz – 3rd November – This has been cancelled.

·      Royal British Legion Fundraising Appeal – 11th November 2:oo – 4:00 pm

·      Social Night – 15th December – 7:00 pm


Everyone welcome!

The Village Hall Quiz night which was scheduled for Friday, November 3rd  has been cancelled due to a shortfall of participants available on this date.

Dave Roome

Saturday, November 11th 2023 
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Tea, coffee, cakes and more 

Fundraising for the

Pledges of edibles and help would be gratefully received

More details to follow.
Jackie, Jo & Shelagh – 07592 590 541

In addition to the special Afternoon Tea, Coffee and Cake afternoon on Saturday, November 11th, the Knit and Natter group are hand knitting and selling poppies to help raise funds for the Royal British Legion.

If you would like to see or purchase one for yourself or for a friend, please contact Janet, Ruth or Annie.



Come join us on Friday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm

There will be 
5 x rounds of 15 questions including played music
The entrance fee is £10 per person. Nibbles will be provided but please bring your own tipple.

To get the Quiz Ball rolling …. we will need 6 teams of 4 people.

If you are interested and feeling that you would like to “give it your best shot”,

please let Dave Roome know by Friday, October 20th.

Dave Roome
5 Main Street
Tel.: 01572 821 416
Email –


The Coronation Group Photo and Painting were on display at the Village Hall Coffee Morning yesterday, October 6th.  It was an opportunity for everyone to look at them more closely and to remember the great time we all had.

For those who missed this opportunity, the Photo and Painting are now on display in the Church should you wish to view them in your own time and at leisure.

If you should wish to have a copy of the group photograph, please complete your details on the form provided which is alongside the photograph in the church by Monday, October 9th, this would be greatly appreciated.

Frame-ready quality prints of the painting, in a range of sizes up to full size, are available with prices starting at £8.00. Please contact Keith Aldridge for further details. –

Many thanks,


Come join us for a cup of coffee or tea. As usual there will be a big choice of cakes.

Time? 10:30 – 12:00 noon.  Where? – Ridlington Village Hall, Main street.

At the Coffee morning on Friday 6th October, the framed painting by Keith Aldridge to commemorate the celebration of King Charles III Coronation in Ridlington village, will be on display.

Copies of the print are available to order – please contact Keith or Annie for details.

A large photograph of the event taken by Tim Brindley will also be available to view.

Forthcoming events:

Coffee Mornings – 10.30 to 12.00
Friday 6th October; Friday 1st December

Team Quiz – 3rd November

Social Night – 15th December

Everyone welcome!