Forthcoming events:

  • Coffee Mornings – 10.30 to 12.00
    Friday 6th October and Friday 1st December
  • Team Quiz – 3rd November
  • Social Night – 15th December

Everyone welcome!

On July 29th, a Village Wine Tasting event was held. Here is an update of the evening and some photos.

We are pleased that it turned out as planned and everyone enjoyed themselves. A fun and casual way to catch up whilst slurping on the different wines at their disposal. They had to guess the wines, what was on the “Nose” or what flavours they could distinguish on the palate. There were wines from both the Old World and New World and we even managed to taste a British Sparkling Wine! We were a bit over enthusiastic as there were perhaps too many tasters – 9 different wines. Next time rest assured that there will be less.  We were also happy that everyone left with a “spring in their step” and luckily found their way back home.

The event was organised as a Social Event and not as a fundraiser. We had decided that should any monies be left over these would be donated to the charity of choice. We managed to accommodate a few extra people late in the day and those who sadly had to cancel at the ‘eleventh hour’ donated their ticket money. The Village Hall Committee have also donated the Hall hire. As luck would have it we had generated enough money to donate. The two nominated charities turned out to be evenly supported and therefore the money has been equally split between the two – Prostate Cancer UK and Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People.

The amount generated after expenditure was    £111.50.   We would like to say a huge THANK YOU! TO EVERYONE.

There is a general consensus to hold another wine evening perhaps during the winter months… I hope you are not actually suggesting that a “Ridlington Wine Club” is set up? 🤣

Please feel free to share your ideas with us. It was a great opportunity for the village to get together and an opportunity to welcome new residents.

So once again, Thank You, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Jackie, Jo, Shelagh,




Tim Brindley kindly took some stunning photographs of our Coronation Lunch. If you haven’t already received a link to view or download copies, please contact Tim.

The plan is to display the Village photograph in the Village Hall alongside the Millennium photograph, as well as to archive the photos as a record of this historical occasion. In this way, they will become a record for many years to come, which will be appreciated by Ridlington residents, their families and friends and the wider community as a lasting legacy.

Keith Aldridge, our ‘resident artist’, has produced a stunning painting, inspired by one of the photographs. It will be framed and mounted in the Village Hall in due course.

We are indebted to both Tim and Keith for their contributions of time, talent and generosity.

An enjoyable morning took place on Friday 9 June and thanks to all who attended or made a donation of cake or money – over £100 was raised for Village Hall funds.


Forthcoming events:
Coffee Mornings – 10.30 to 12.00
Friday 4th August
Friday 6th October
Friday 1st December

Team Quiz – 3rd November

Social Night – 15th December


Everyone welcome!



Six teams tested their knowledge at the Coronation Quiz held in the village hall as part of the Coronation celebrations. A good spread of questions resulted in a cliff hanger finish, resulting in Karen & Richard Baines’ team winning by 1 point! The played music round was very popular with military marching bands seeing some ‘air trombone playing ‘ and lots of table thumping.

A total of £270 was raised for Ukraine Red Cross Appeal.





Forthcoming events to be held in the Village Hall will be:

  • Coffee Mornings – 10.30 to 12.00
    Friday 9th June; Friday 4th August; Friday 6th October; Friday 1st December
  • Team Quiz – 3rd November
  • Social Night – 15th December


Everyone welcome!

The sun shone and Ridlington celebrated the Coronation in style with a street party on Main Street. Residents – donned in red, white, blue and gold – tucked into Coronation Quiche, Coronation Chicken and many other delicious treats, which they shared with friends and neighbours.

A huge thank you to everyone who made this memorable occasion possible!

Tim Brindley has taken some wonderful photographs, one of which will be chosen for Keith Aldridge to use as inspiration for a painting to commemorate the event…

Tim has kindly made a collage of a selection of the photographs taken on the day. If you should wish to take a closer look at the photos please click on the link to access the photo. If you encounter any problems, please let us know.

Congratulations to John Morrell and Mary Aldridge, winners of the Crown/Tiara competition!

Annie Harvey

Don’t forget the next Village Hall Coffee Morning will be held on Friday, June 9th from 10:30: 12:00.

All welcome.


We would like to hold a Wine Tasting…. interested?



Shortly this flyer will be dropped into your letter box.


Please let me know by email,
or just deliver it to my letter box
with your contact details
… and stay tuned


Many thanks.
Email –